Casa Fortunato
Boutique Hotel

Year  2016
Location Lisboa
Area  1.421 sqm
Category Hospitality
Photo Credits — © Manolo Yllera

Family owned and managed nine-suite luxury hotel

“Space to dream, space to breathe, space to be….”

The family’s vision was simple – to create the kind of magical accommodation that they would love to find in the heart of one of the world’s best cities. Elegant, sophisticated, simple – Casa Fortunato summons dream into being.

Casa Fortunato

Occupying what once was an early twentieth century dean’s townhouse, the project builds its physical and visual identity from recovering the building’s past and at the same time bringing life through timeless furniture and interior decoration elements.

Casa Fortunato

Project and Construction decisions were one and the same, developed hand in hand and concomitantly, each detail being both recovered and designed, Hand Made Tiles having a predominant aesthetically role in interior atmospheres and White Stucco in the external image and light of the building.

Casa Fortunato

Casa Fortunato

Casa Fortunato

Casa Fortunato

Casa Fortunato

Casa Fortunato Lisbon
Source: Condé Nast

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