Olympic Park
Rio 2016
At the genesis of the Olympic Park Rio 2016 project lies a vision for the legacy mode to be developed after the games. This vision anticipates the future of this new “carioca” neighbourhood.
The new neighbourhood is perceived as an interface between sea and land / built and natural / present and future.
The urban design emerges from the encounter between two systems: an organic structure that represents the natural world which begins within the natural seashore habitat and another structure, more rigid and orthogonal, which represents the built world. The interaction between these two systems gives birth to unique and exceptional places where encounters flow naturally.
An adaptable and flexible urban design – according to the traditional city design principles such as density, diversity, an aggregating green structure and sustainable mobility – allows to keep up with social, cultural and economic changes, technological developments as well as the ongoing changes occurring within the natural systems.
State of the art environmental technologies, principles of environmentally responsible design, within the urban planning and environmental Brazilian legal framework and under the guidelines and criteria of international certifications will be considered.
Year — 2011
Location — Rio de Janeiro
Area — 626.050 sqm
Category — Urban Planning
Status — Competition