Luanda Waterfalls by COSTALOPES

Luanda Waterfalls

Year  2010
Location Luanda
Area 117.050 sqm
Category Mixed-Use
Status On Site
Photo Credits © Manuel Correia / Angola Image Bank

Luanda Waterfalls is located on the northern slope of the isthmus between the Bay and Ilha de Luanda.

Luanda Waterfalls by COSTALOPES

Luanda Waterfalls by COSTALOPES

Framed in the block where lots 38, 41 and 42 are also located, the proposed building is intended for housing and is developed over 11 floors.


© Angola Image Bank

Luanda Waterfalls by COSTALOPES

Luanda Waterfalls by COSTALOPES

Luanda Waterfalls by COSTALOPES


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